📷 One of the beautiful classroom halls amongst the trees at the National Conservation Training Center, West Virginia | Eden Taylor / National Wildlife Refuge Association
The National Wildlife Refuge Association recently joined forces with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to offer a National Friends Workshop, which took place from April 28th to May 1st, 2023. This workshop brought together Refuge and Hatchery Friends groups, nonprofits that support specific national wildlife refuges and national fish hatcheries. These groups play a crucial role in the success of the National Wildlife Refuge System by providing financial support for facility and habitat projects, contributing numerous volunteer hours, and actively supporting advocacy initiatives.
Friends gather around the fire at the National Friends Workshop | Lisa Jansen-Rees
The National Wildlife Refuge Association was thrilled to partner with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as their nonprofit partner to host this workshop and is looking forward to continuing its work in supporting Refuge and Hatchery Friends Groups. It was inspiring to be surrounded by so many individuals who share a deep appreciation for the National Wildlife Refuge System and the wildlife it supports.
The workshop at the National Conservation Training Center, West Virginia offered a three-day training for Friends Board of Directors and members, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) liaisons, project leaders, and regional employees. The goal was to equip Friends groups and USFWS employees with the necessary tools and strategies to foster continued engagement and support for the National Wildlife Refuge System while building relationships through shared knowledge and skills.
Cynthia Martinez, Chief of the National Wildlife Refuge System, leads plenary session | Lisa Jansen-Rees
The National Wildlife Refuge Association fully supports the critical goals of the National Wildlife Refuge System vision, Conserving the Future, which includes a connected conservation constituency, expanding community partnerships, and nurturing active and vibrant Friends partnerships. Friends are critical to the success of the Refuge System and are valued ambassadors in their communities. The Refuge Association recognizes the importance of building on these successful citizen partnerships to continue advocating for the Refuge System.
The National Wildlife Refuge Association also contributed to the workshop by hosting two concurrent sessions. National Wildlife Refuge Association - Who We Are and What We Do! was the title of the first session, led by Marco Aguilar, Chief Operating Officer at the National Wildlife Refuge Association. Attendees in this session learned about the National Wildlife Refuge Association's focus on protecting, promoting, and enhancing the world's largest network of lands and waters set aside for wildlife conservation, the 850-million-acre National Wildlife Refuge System. The session covered how the National Wildlife Refuge Association addresses Refuge System funding, management, and strategic growth while promoting programs that maximize the Refuge System's conservation impact.
Eden Taylor, Communications Manager, National Wildlife Refuge Association presents during Building Your Digital Skills Tool Kit | Lisa Jansen-Rees
The second session was titled Building Your Digital Skills Tool Kit led by Nicole Feldman, Digital Content Consultant at Public Lands Alliance, and Eden Taylor, Communications Manager at the National Wildlife Refuge Association. This session explored trends and provided practical tips and tricks on creating engaging content that resonates with target audiences and platforms. The session covered topics such as crafting compelling messages, creating engaging visual content, and measuring the effectiveness of communication efforts.
Members of Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates present | Lisa Jansen-Rees
The National Wildlife Refuge Association plays a critical role in advocating for the protection, promotion, and enhancement of the National Wildlife Refuge System and recognizes the invaluable support provided by Friends groups in achieving this goal. Our partnership with the Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates (CORFA) has been crucial over the past few years in making this connection with Friends stronger. CORFA serves as an important community organizer within the Friends network, helping to connect individuals and groups with the resources and tools needed to effectively support the Refuge System. The Refuge Association values and appreciates the role that CORFA and Friends groups play in advancing its mission and supporting the Refuge System.
The National Friends Workshop was a great success, and the National Wildlife Refuge Association is honored to have played a role in supporting Refuge and Hatchery Friends Groups. The National Wildlife Refuge Association looks forward to continuing to advocate for the National Wildlife Refuge System and the wildlife it sustains.