50th Anniversary

National Wildlife Refuge Association Celebrates 50 Years of Conservation

National Wildlife Refuge Association Celebrates 50 Years of Conservation

2025 marks a momentous milestone for the National Wildlife Refuge Association: 50 years of unwavering support for the National Wildlife Refuge System. Since 1975, the National Wildlife Refuge Association has been the only independent voice solely dedicated to protecting the largest network of lands and waters in the world dedicated to wildlife conservation. For five decades, the Refuge Association has led the charge, uniting passionate individuals, Refuge Friends groups, and policymakers to rally around this system of public lands and waters to ensure its protection for generations to come.

National Wildlife Refuge Association Kicks Off 50th Anniversary In Twin Cities

National Wildlife Refuge Association Kicks Off 50th Anniversary In Twin Cities

The board of the National Wildlife Refuge Association kicked off their 50th Anniversary today in Bloomington at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. The organization was established in Minneapolis in 1975.