Paul Kroegel - REFUGE MANAGER OF THE YEAR: David Lucas
This award recognizes outstanding accomplishments by a Refuge Manager or Project Leader in the protection and management of our national wildlife refuges. The National Wildlife Refuge Association is proud to recognize David Lucas as the 2024 Paul Kroegel Award - Refuge Manager of the Year for his service at the Colorado Front Range National Wildlife Refuge Complex, which encompasses the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Two Ponds, and Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuges. Read more about David’s achievements here >>
Refuge Employee Of the year: Robert Luna
This award recognizes outstanding work of dedicated employees throughout the National Wildlife Refuge System. The National Wildlife Refuge Association is proud to select Robert Luna, for his work as a Engineering Equipment Operator at Toppenish National Wildlife Refuge in Washington as the recipient of the 2024 Refuge Employee of the Year Award. Read more about Robert’s achievements here >>
Molly Krival Award- FRIENDS GROUP OF THE YEAR: Friends of Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge
“Refuge Friends” organization in support of their national wildlife refuge and the National Wildlife Refuge System. The National Wildlife Refuge Association is proud to award Friends of Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge in Illinois and Wisconsin the 2024 Molly Krival Award - Refuge Friends Group of the Year.
Read more about Friends of Hackmatack NWR’s achievements here >>
Refuge Volunteers of the Year: Wayne Selfridge
This award recognizes outstanding accomplishments of a volunteer, or volunteers, in support of the operation and management of the National Wildlife Refuge System. The National Wildlife Refuge Association is proud to honor Wayne Selfridge as 2024 Refuge Volunteer of the Year for his work at Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge in Maine.
Read more about Wayne’s achievements here >>
REFUGE Advocate OF THE YEAR: Okefenokee Protection Alliance
Accepted by Christian Hunt & Bill Sapp
This award recognizes outstanding advocacy efforts for the protection of our national wildlife refuges. The Okefenokee Protection Alliance has led efforts to protect Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge in Georgia from proposed mining operations, successfully mobilizing public support and raising awareness to safeguard this unique habitat. The National Wildlife Refuge Association is proud to honor the Okefenokee Protection Alliance with the 2024 Refuge Advocate of the Year Award. Read more about Okfenokee Protection Alliance’s achievements here >>
2024 Wildlife Refuge Awards Event Recap
2024 Recipients
2023 Recipients
2022 Recipients
2021 Recipients
Molly Krival Award - Refuge Friends Group of the Year: Friends of St. Marks Wildlife Refuge, Florida
2020 Recipients
2019 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Jackie Ferrier, Refuge Manager, Willapa National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Washington,
Refuge Employee of the Year: Eric S. Johnson, Administrative Forester, Central Arkansas National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Arkansas
Volunteer of the Year: Harold Fairfield II, Volunteer, Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Tennessee NWR, Tennessee
Refuge Advocate Award: Allen Williams, For His Work at Santa Ana NWR and the Lower Rio Grande Valley national wildlife refuges, Texas
2018 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Andy Loranger, Refuge Manager Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
Refuge Employee of the Year: Victoria Touchstone, Refuge Planner, San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex, California
Volunteer of the Year: Claire Goad, Volunteer at Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge, New York
Friends Group of the Year: The Friends of Necedah NWR in Wisconsin
Refuge Advocate Award: Celeste De Palma, For Her Work at Arthur R. Loxahatchee NWR
2017 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Kevin Godsea, Refuge Manager Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge, Florida
Refuge Employee of the Year: Dale Pittman, Regional Heavy Equipment Coordinator for Region 3 of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Illinois River National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Illinois
Volunteer of the Year: Richard Esker, Volunteer at Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge, West Virginia
Friends Group of the Year: The Friends of Trempealeau NWR in Wisconsin
2016 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Dr. Keith Weaver, project leader at Central Arkansas National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Arkansas
Refuge Employee of the Year: Douglas M. Head II, assistant zone biologist at Texas Chenier Plain Refuges Complex, Texas Mid-Coast Refuge Complex, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge and Southwest Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Volunteer of the Year: Ann Humphrey, Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Pacific Islands
Friends Group of the Year: The Friends of Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge in Minnesota
2015 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Tom Kerr, refuge manager, St. Croix Wetland Management District and Whittlesey Creek National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin
Refuge Employee of the Year: John Vradenburg, supervisory biologist, Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico
Volunteer of the Year: Wiley ‘Dub’ Lyon, Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge in Texas
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico
2014 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Andy Yuen, San Diego National Wildlife Refuges Complex, California
Refuge Employee of the Year: Kenneth McCain, Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge and Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge, FL
Volunteer of the Year: Bob and Sharon Waldrop, Southeast Louisiana Refuges Complex
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Tualatin River Refuge, OR
2013 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Andy French, Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge, Stewart B. McKinney NWR and John Hay NWR
Refuge Employee of the Year: Jackie Jacobson, Audubon NWR, ND
Volunteer of the Year: Bob Ebeling, Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of the Maga Ta-Hophi Waterfowl Production Area, SD
2012 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Charlie Pelizza, Pelican Island NWRC, FL
Refuge Employee of the Year: Kathleen O’Brien, Rachel Carson NWR, ME
Volunteer of the Year: David Govatski, Silvio O Conte NF&WR, MA
Friends Group of the Year: Coastal Wildlife Refuge Society, Alligator River and Pea Island NWRs, NC
2011 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Kenneth Litzenberger of Southeast Louisiana NWRC, LA
Refuge Employee of the Year: Dave Mauser of Klamath Basin NWRC, CA
Volunteer of the Year: Denis Mudderman of Tamarac NWR, MN
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Chassahowitzka NWRC, FL
2010 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Kevin Foerster of Sacramento NWRC, CA
Refuge Employee of the Year: Vernon Byrd of Alaska Maritime NWR, AK
Volunteer of the Year: Zeeger de Wilde of Chesapeake Marshlands NWRC, MD & VA
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Alaska NWRs, AK
2009 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Greg Siekaniec of Alaska Maritime NWR, AK
Refuge Employee of the Year: Baron Horiuchi of Hakalau Forest NWR, HI
Volunteer of the Year: Marie Springer of Walkill River NWR, NJ
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Pool 9, Upper Mississippi River NW&FR – McGregor District, IA
2008 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Kevin Brennan of Fergus Falls Wetland Management District, MN
Refuge Employee of the Year: Clyde Morris of Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR, CA
Volunteer of the Year: John Bertrand of Bosque del Apache NWR, NM
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Sherburne NWR, MN
2007 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Don Hultman of Upper Mississippi River NF&WR
Refuge Employee of the Year: Bill Giese of Blackwater NWR, MD
Volunteer of the Year: Marion Sansing of Noxubee NWRC, MS
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of San Luis Valley NWR’s, CA
2006 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Glenn Carowan of Chesapeake Marsh NWRC, VA and MD
Refuge Employee of the Year: John Schomaker, Division of Conservation Planning, Great
Lakes-Big Rivers Region
Volunteer of the Year: Tim Anderson of Seal Beach NWR, CA
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Great Swamp NWR, NJ
2005 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Roy W. Lowe of Oregon Coast NWRC, OR
Refuge Employee of the Year: Laura Brandt of A.R.M. Loxahatche NWR, FL
Volunteer of the Year: Ervin Davis of National Bison Range, MT
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Black Bayou, LA
2004 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Michael Bryant of Alligator River NWRC, NC
Refuge Employee of the Year: John Taylor of Bosque del Apache NWR, NM
Volunteer of the Year: Ken and Darlene Fiske of “Ding” Darling NWR, FL
Friends Group of the Year: Chincoteague Natural History Association, VA
2003 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Michael Rearden of Yukon Delta NWR, AK
Refuge Employee of the Year: Anne Blakely of National Elk Refuge, WY
Volunteer of the Year: Jim Montgomery of Bitter Lake NWR, NM
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Blackwater, MD
2002 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Ron Bisbee of Texas Mid-Coast NWRs, Texas
Refuge Employee of the Year: Kristine Askerooth of Tewaukon NWR, North Dakota
Volunteer of the Year: Melissa Owen of Buenos Aires NWR, Arizona
Friends Group of the Year: Coastal Wildlife Refuge Society of Alligator River and Pea Island NWRs, North Carolina
2001 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Al Trout of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah
Refuge Employee of the Year: David Jamiel of Two Ponds NWR, Colorado
Volunteer of the Year: Harry Sanders of Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR, California
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of the Upper Mississippi River Refuges, IA, IL, MN, WI
2000 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Mark Musaus of A.R.M. Loxahatchee NWR, Florida
Refuge Employee of the Year: Ron Phernetton of Okefenokee NWR, Georgia
Volunteers of the Year: Paul and Ann Smith of Chincoteague NWR, Virginia
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of the Rydell Refuge Association, MN
1999 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Dean Rundle of the San Diego Refuge Complex, California
Refuge Employee of the Year: Matthew Magoffin of San Bernardino NWR, Arizona
Volunteers of the Year: Bill Milling, Elaine Wilmers, and Harold and Susan Nugent of National Key Deer NWR, Florida
Friends Group of the Year: “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society of the J.N. “Ding” Darling NWR, Florida
1998 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Jay R. Bellinger of Kodiak NWR, Alaska
Refuge Employee of the Year: Sharon Ware of Monomoy NWR, Massachusetts
Volunteer of the Year: Molly Krival of J.N. “Ding” Darling NWR, Florida
Friends Group of the Year: Friends of Minnesota Valley NWR, MN
1997 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Louis Hinds of J.N.Ding Darling NWR, Florida
Refuge Employee of the Year: Jack Jeffrey of Hakalau NWR, Hawaii
Volunteers of the Year: Judy Dryja of Merritt Island NWR, Florida; and Bill Buchanan of John Heinz NWR, Pennsylvania
1996 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Phil Norton of Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico
Refuge Employee of the Year: Thomas V. Stehn of Aransas NWR, Texas
Volunteers of the Year: Richard “Don” Perry of Pea Island and Alligator River NWRs, North Carolina
1995 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: John Schroer of Chincoteague NWR, Virginia
Refuge Employee of the Year: Gary Sullivan of Benton Lake NWR, Montana
Volunteers of the Year: Karl W. Haller of Hagerman NWR, Texas; and Molly P. Brown of Back Bay NWR, Virginia
1994 Recipients
Refuge Manager of the Year: Steve Thompson of Laguna Atascosa NWR, Texas
Volunteer of the Year: Richard D. Van Deman of Nisqually NWR, Washington